"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, March 5, 2010

We're Still Alive...

Greetings Everyone!
Well...I noticed the other day that I hadn't updated in over a week!  It seems like the gaps between posts are growing bigger and bigger.  I don't mean to blow off updating things...I really want to record things as they happen.  Unfortunately, in a life full of triplet babies with diapers, feedings, bottles, fussiness, and all of the other little baby things...plus homework...and whatever else comes our way and updating the blog falls down on the priority list.

So...with my excuses complete...the boys are doing well.  We just said good-bye to Claudia and Lanny and they were a tremendous help the past two weeks.  It was really great getting to know them a bit better...and their own grandparents experience helped all of us manage three growing boys whose cries and "demands" also increase with their size.

Now that they are 2 months old...they are starting to show some of their individual personalities.  Caleb is setting himself up as the demanding one.  He is almost always the first one to wake up hungry and he is more than willing to let us know when he is ready to be fed, held, swaddled, or whatever else technique is needed to settle him down.  He has a distinctive "yell" followed by silence for 3-5 seconds.  If his "demand" is not met...he yells again and the next wait is a bit shorter.  After 3-4 attempts to gain attention...he simply starts crying!!  Caleb also seems to want to be held the most.  In fact...Lanny seems to be Caleb's best friend because every time I came home Caleb was sleeping on top of Lanny.

Caleb with his best friend, Lanny

Gideon seems to be Caleb's opposite when it comes to fussiness.  He is almost always quiet and the only time he really fusses is when he has a bad episode of reflux or is really hungry.  This has caused us to move him to "third" in the feeding order because he seems most able to deal with waiting a bit longer if things are going slowly.  Besides being the most "calm", Gideon's eyes are the biggest, and when he is awake he just can't help but look around at all there is to see.  Sometimes it is hard to get him back to sleep after feeding because he just wants to hang out and see what is going on.  That usually merits him some "Daddy" time and we'll just watch TV while Caleb and Ezra are sleeping upstairs.

Gideon with "Mr. Frog"

Ezra is our baby and I think that no matter how hard we try not to, we will treat him like the "youngest."  He is adorable and has a quintasential "baby look" about him.  I guess you could say he splits the difference between Caleb and Gideon's personalities.  He can be quiet and cute...or he can be fussy and demanding.  He also struggles with reflux the same way Gideon does.  He also has the most frequent "tummy aches" that we give them Gripe Water for.  That usually works pretty well.

Ezra loves his binky!!

That's about it for now.  Little voices are starting to stir upstairs...

Have a good night!!


1 comment:

The W. D's said...

aww, they are so precious! Love the pic's. OH...and just when you get them all figure out: watch out...they'll know and switch it up on you. haha