"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Where does the time go!?!

I'm not sure how long it has been since I've written.  All I can guess is that since my last post...we've had more inches of snow than hours of sleep since the boys have been home.

Okay...so maybe that is a bit dramatic...but we've definitely been dealing with more snow than we were told to expect moving to DC.  Not that we are complaining...see the last post about Autumn enjoying the snow.

As for the boys...they don't know the difference.  Their change of scenery involves being moved from the nursery down to the main level where we have set up another changing table, pack n plays, a swing, and move their bouncers down during the day.  I'd love to tell you cute stories about how they recognize the difference, but honestly...they will sleep just about anywhere.

The key is getting them to sleep.  They are definitely trying to stay awake longer each day...and their vocal chords are improving too.  This has required a bit more time / patience before, during, and after care times.  Because by the time it's okay for them to eat again...at least someone is making it clear he is ready.  Ironically...that is often the one who gives up eating the quickest!!

They are all eating between 3-3.5 oz per feeding.  They are also growing quickly too.  Their preemie clothes fit about as well as they can at this point....and I wouldn't be surprised if they grow out of them within a couple of weeks.  Their "newborn" diapers are also fitting well...so the days of folding the top over  to help them fit better are done.

Going back to the awake thing...they are also developing some pretty strong necks.  The reflux often causes them to arch their backs...and they do this really well.  They all like to look around a lot and can sometimes really force you to let them just move their heads the directions they want to.

I guess all of that is a long way of saying they are growing fast!!

We've had to cancel some doctors appointments due to all the snow we've gotten recently.  We haven't even been able to reschedule them because the appointment lines have been closed too!!  Their reflux is still there...but the medicine seems to have reduced some of their discomfort.  Still...Gideon keeps getting "gunk" on his eyes (I suspect it is still just the blocked tear ducts) so there is always something else to watch out for.

As a whole though...we feel very lucky to have them growing so well and turning into regular old "infants" versus preemies.  In just a couple weeks they will be at the full 40 weeks and we are super-excited about that!!

Here are some pics I just took this evening as they slept:


Caleb...clearly thinking about something important!

Gideon sleeping in the blankie Great Grandma Kaldahl made him!

These final two are of the nursery they are finally in.  We kept the third crib in our bedroom for space purposes.  First picture is as you walk into the room looking at the left side.  Second picture is looking at the right side of the room.

That's about it from here.  More shoveling tomorrow.  One of these days I plan on writing an update about those of us in the family older than 6 or 7 weeks.  Until then....

God Bless!

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