"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, April 1, 2010

3 Months Old and a Trip to the Capital...

Well...it has been forever since I last posted.  Things have been very, very busy and seem to get more busy every day.  I suspect this will continue until I finish my Thesis.  It will be nice to come home at some point and be able to "leave" work at work.  I can't complain though.  My hours allow me to spend more time than usual at home...and is pretty flexible too.  Just gotta write that thesis!!

The boys are three months old today...and oh how they have grown.  The last time any of them was weighed was a few weeks ago.  Gideon had an unscheduled doctors visit because he wasn't keeping his formula / breast milk down.  He was quite a bit smaller than Caleb or Ezra so we were concerned he wasn't getting enough nutrients and calories.  But he weight just over 9lbs...and he was the small one.

Caleb feels like a huge monster compared to Ezra and Gideon.  It is funny to hold one of them for awhile...then to hold Caleb.  You can really notice a difference.  His appetite is really paying off.  He takes 4oz easily...5 oz occasionally...and for his final meal before bed time he takes about 5.5 oz.  He is still the most grumpy when he is hungry...but he seems more controlled than a few weeks ago.  His personality is also starting to show through more.  When he is happy...he has a really cute smile..sort of mischief looking!!

Caleb in his Bumbo

Caleb on the changing table

Gideon is still our happy little cutie pie.  You'd never know he was the most uncomfortable of the three.  If he isn't having reflux pain or spitting up his formula he is always smiling.  He is such a little treasure because his smile is infectious..and when you smile at him...he just smiles back bigger!!  The last week or so he is starting to take more milk at feeding times.  But he still spits a lot of it back up.  It isn't as bad as it used to be but we continue to pray he gets better so we know he is getting the nutrients he needs.  He is also so fun to hold because he will curl into you so quickly.

Gideon is always smiling!!

Except when he's sleeping!

Ezra is still Ezra.  He is sort of a cross between Caleb and Gideon.  He has a very cute side of him that has us continually discussing his future as a "baby model."  He has bright smiles and a big ole mouth without teeth!!  Like Caleb...he can have a grumpy side.  He seems to take after his big brother in his willingness to show his extreme dissatisfaction when not fed right when he wants.  He also has started this thing where he only takes a little bit at night...then screams bloody murder when you try to give him the rest of his bottle.  Very strange...but we just take it as his way of saying "No thanks...I'm done."  But he is still such a cute little baby...we love him...and his brothers to death!!

Ezra just looking around!!

Ezra loves to hold onto you when sleeping!!

RSV season has kept the boys indoors since they were born.  We decided it was nice enough to finally take them outside for an adventure.  Because of its unique relationship to Washington DC, we decided to have their first outing to the annual Cherry Blossom Festival.

As a whole, things went pretty good.  You might not believe that when I tell you we never made it to the festival itself...but in some ways...getting the boys out and just getting a feel for everything involved was as much of a success as anything.

The biggest hindrance was traffic....go figure.  We also had to have Gigi take the Metro into the city and meet us somewhere because with the boys...our SUV only has room for two adults (driver and passenger).  We also got stuck in traffic right when the boys feeding time was so we had to adjust a variety of things.

Ultimately, Autumn and her mom met up at the Washington Memorial and began to feed the boys while I spent another 15-20 minutes trying to find a place to park.  By the time I got to them, feeding time was almost done...but us adults needed to eat.  So...we found a concession stand...got some hot dogs and enjoyed a picnic outdoors.  After that...we decided to take what we learned and get out of town while we were ahead.  The boys had been really good up to that point...we were all in relatively high spirits...and we knew we had to deal with afternoon traffic.

It was a good little run.  We learned a lot and if nothing else...we certainly have the confidence and comfort with the Triple Decker stroller (pictured below) to go out whenever we want to.  I think we'll just avoid national events in the city.

Right now...the boys are sleeping, but I am gonna feed them one last time before going to bed.  The trip to the city did throw off their feeding times a bit and we want to be sure they get the calories they need.

Thanks for all the well wishes...I'll try to write again more quickly this time!!

God Bless!!

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