"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Fisher House...

We are back at the Fisher House after a morning and afternoon of visiting the boys.  They are all doing well...sleeping together...and just being themselves!!  I'll update on them later, but I thought I would take a moment to share some thoughts about an amazing opportunity given to us through the kindness and generosity of the Fisher House.

The Fisher House is a public/private program that provides no-cost lodging for families visiting / caring for loved ones at Military Hospital facilities.  They are located at all the major military hospitals.  Priority is based upon different things...my understanding is that top priority goes to the families of our wounded warriors from Iraq / Afghanistant...but that is not all they cater to.  Obviously, they care for families with little ones in the hospital and we interact most with two families who have veterans going through cancer treatments.  The bottom line is that this is just an awesome program that is well run and provides a great service to those going through tough times.

We are lucky.  We are here for convenience and for a joyous occasion.  When we got here, we were amazed at how nice the house was.  At Bethesda, there are two houses...and they are building a third.  We are basically in a one bedroom suite with the bedroom (2 full beds), a full bath in the middle, and a lounge room on the other side.  In the common areas, there is a large kitchen, washer and dryer, a dining room, and a TV room with a big screen TV, library of books, Wii, and Xbox 360 (so Gary and Ryan if you visit you can play Halo 3...bring the game!!)  :-)  Additionally, the kitchen is stocked with everything you need...there are two refrigerators to share space with, and each room is assigned a cuboard.  Plus...many, many people have donated other food items so you don't have to worry about every single condiment, spice, or little things.  All in all...they meet their goal of making a home away from home.

Another thing that has made our stay nice here is the kindness of people who have brought meals by the house.  Our first night, the Officer's Wives Club brought by a bunch of different dishes and we've been eating the leftovers since.  Today...another group of families brought by Chilli for lunch.  Every time that happens it is just so nice not having to figure out what to cook or how to handle dinner.  As a whole...all our energy is directed towards visiting the boys and/or getting ready for their move home.

We have met a couple nice families who are going through much tougher times than us.  Two of our veterans are battling cancer.  One man flew from Italy for treatment and has his daughter and son-in-law here with him.  Another is from the Maryland area.  They are all really nice and excited for us as a new family.  In some ways though, I can't help but be aware of the different stages in life we are dealing with.  Our family is working towards beginning three little lives...they are hoping to put off the inevitable end.  We have admired how they have handled everything and wish them and their families all the best.

Finally...I figured I would put a plug in for anyone who would like to either donate $$ to the Fischer House or perhaps, get together with some other families, your church, or your small group and provide a meal or two to your local Fisher House.  For information, you can go to http://www.fisherhouse.org/.  There, you can find the link to donate or find a Fisher House near you.  For those in the Federal Government / Military...they are an option to give via Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).  Please note...we are under no obligation to provide any money or support so please do this on your own accord...not because we need anything.  Experience is just showing us this is a good cause.

Autumn began to tear up a bit when we arrived here.  Not because she missed the boys...although I'm sure she did.  She was simply overwhelmed with how nice this place was and with the knowledge that this is just a gift we are recieving out of some stranger / group of strangers kindness.  We may never know how we touch others lives when we go out of our ways to help them...but from a family who has been on the recieving end for several months...know it is greatly appreciated and helps in so many ways.

God Bless...


1 comment:

Cheri said...

Hi Jeff & Autumn,
Thanks so much for your news about the Fisher House. As I live in a military town, San Antonio, I have been wondering where I could donate great Christian fiction books where they will be needed. It sounds like this would be a place I could take many, many books I have enjoyed and maybe give a break in tension from others.

Knowing Autumn's background, I am sure she is a great comfort to those your ministering to. End of life issues are very difficult and I know personally how much hospice personnel and especially supportive friends are at a time like they are experiencing. I am praying for them, as well as the other baby in your "pod".

Have a great Sunday, and give those little ones lots of hugs and kisses.