"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Two Weeks and Growing....

Good Afternoon:
Sorry it has been a few days since posting.  The realities of life and the last minute stuff that needs to get done before the boys come home have occupied most of my time.  Thankfully, Autumn's mom is here (aka Gigi) and she is able to be with Autumn at the Fisher House and now she is able to see the boys!!

Yesterday (Friday) was another wonderful day for our little guys.  They were officially two weeks old and they got to meet Gigi for the first time.  We have a wonderful little video of Gigi meeting the boys and it just warms your heart.  She is so happy and in awe at the same time.  I'm sure she is just super-proud of her own little girl, Autumn.  As I like to tell Autumn...like Rocky told Adrienne..."You done good."

Gigi holding Caleb

The boys continue to grow stronger and stronger every day.  Caleb pulled out his feeding tube for the umpteenth time...but this time...the nurses didn't put it back.  He is taking all of his nutrition / feeding from a bottle.  What a milestone for a little life!!  Hopefully that will continue so they don't have to put a tube back into his stomach.  Not a fun thing for these little guys to go through.  Ask Gideon.  It seems every day he pulls it out at least once and has to go through the whole drill of puting it through his nose and his little scream makes it clear he is not happy.  It doesn't hurt them at all...it is just very uncomfortable...but one of those necessary evils.  Hopefully him and Ezra will be able to take all their meals from a bottle soon too so they can get their tubes removed!!

2 Week Weights:
Caleb:  4lb 9oz  (+2oz from birth)
Gideon: 4lb 12oz (+2oz from birth)
Ezra: 4lb 11oz (+5oz from birth!!)

The picture below is of Autumn with all the boys!!  What an exciting moment for her.  Every day she gains a bit more strength with a little less pain.  That's good too because if things continue to progress the boys might be spending their 3rd Friday in this world at home with Mommy, Daddy, and their pets, Tim the Cat, and Teddy (the dog/puppy).  But it is nice having her feel a bit more "normal' although everything we hear from the docs and other mothers of triplets is that "normal" doesn't come for at least 4-6 months....best case scenerio.


This was my first week back at school.  Still catching up on one more assignment and then plan on working ahead this weekend with MLK Day off.  Unfortunately, I am realizing / accepting the part about being a Dad that must stink the worse...work means I get less time with the boys.  Such is life...and it will just make my time with them more precious when I get it.  I was able to do their whole care time last night without any real assistance from the nurse accept for the things I'm not allowed to do (i.e. prepare their formula, replace Gideon's feeding tube, listen to heart, lungs, and tummies).  But the hour and a half it took was easily the best part of the day.

Anyways, that's about it for now.  I will work to find a way to post some videos over the next few days.  It involves using Youtube but I don't want our videos for public consumption.  Bear with me...and hopefully I'll have something one of these days.

Enjoy your weekend!!



The W. D's said...

Hey Jeff, I also wanted to avoid the whole youtube thing. You can just upload video straight on to blogger if you'd like. That's what I do and you can upload quite a large file! Just click the button next to the picture one when you are at your edit posting screen. It's super easy. Hope it works if you choose to go that route!
Also, I'm glad you found a counter that only counts NEW hits. I snagged that idea. I had one before but it counted every hit and was useless to me. So, thanks for the idea.

Unknown said...

If you want to use photobucket for the videos, you can set a password for privacy and post it here for friends and family to see. (Your blog's privacy settings can also prevent the blog from being in the public search and rotation feature.)
Thanks for all of your hard work and updates. I understand how much time it must take and how valuable your time is now. We really appreciate it!

Cheri said...

Hi Jeff & Autumn,
As a grandmother, it warms my heart to see their grandma holding them for the first time. What a thrill!! I know your mom can't wait until she can hold those little guys, and your dad too!

christine said...

I love the picture of Glenda and her grandson, and the one of mommy holding all three of them...oh, too precious! We are praying for you all and know that the Lord has you wrapped in is safe embrace. Remember when Ben was 4lbs, 9oz, at 2 weeks as well. It was scary taking him home (for the second time) from the German hospital, but he was finally eating and seemed to be doing well...and sure enough, he did great. Know it is daunting but you will be so thankful to have them in your own home when it is time.