"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gigi (aka Grandma Huffman) is here!!

Well...another wonderful day has come and gone.  Didn't post last night because I was experiencing technical difficulties with the camera. I am quickly realizing how popular the blog has become...and I know it isn't my writing that draws people here.  These guys are C.U.T.E.!!  So...without further ado (sp?) here are some of the latest followed by an update on everyone.

Here are the three of them snuggled up together under the blanket.

Here is Gideon.  I can't help but think of Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi when I see this picture!!

Here is Ezra sticking his tongue out at Daddy!!

One of my favorites so far.  Caleb and Mommy looking at each other!

The boys are still doing well.  Ezra and Caleb's reflux has gone away mostly.  They still have a little bit...but not as much as Gideon.  Poor little Gideon just can't cut a break.  His reflux is a bit more serious.  Autumn was actually holding him and Ezra this evening, but after just a couple of minutes he spit up on Ezra!!  Poor guys! 

Autumn is doing well.  Each day gets a little better.  Of course she doesn't get as much sleep as she did long, long ago..but at least the sleep she does get now is better than when she was pregnant.  Her primary functions in life seem to be pumping, sleeping, and visiting the boys.  We continue to pray that she'll be ready for the little ones when they come home.

Helping Autumn is her Mom, Glenda.  Glenda (who will be known as Gigi to the boys) arrived on Monday and has already helped a lot.  She made some meals here at the Fisher House and is able to get Autumn to and from the hospital.  On Friday it will be her opportunity to see her Grandsons.  She needs to wait ten full days from when she received her H1N1 vaccination before they'll let her into the NICU.

On the homefront, I went back to class today.  I still have some homework to catch up on...but at least I'm part-way into thing.  I find myself much less interested than I was before the Christmas break...go figure.  At least I can call the NICU on my breaks to see how my boys are doing.  But I was able to tie up some loose ends at the house today too...which means we have plenty of diapers, wipes, and other bare essentials for whenever it is our boys come home.  Also have an appointment with the Fire Department on Saturday to ensure our Car Seats are installed properly!!

We really appreciate all the prayers and support we have continued to recieve.  Boxes of things off our registry have arrived and its really moving.  FYI...if you did send something I am tracking it.  But I am also gonna wrap the stuff up for Autumn so she'll have more things to open up at her baby shower (date TBD...it was previously scheduled for NOV but before we set the solid date / did invites she was put on bedrest).  But anyways...I just want her to feel special whenever we do the baby shower and so thank-you in advance...and I promise official thank-you notes will be on the way.  I hope that is okay and I appreciate your understanding.

One last note about support...not sure if you've noticed the numbers at the bottom of the page.  Those are the number of "hits" on the blog and the number of different visitors (i.e. computers) that have visited.  We decided to put that on there because we were hearing about so many people checking this out.  We had no idea so many people would be so interested in our boys lives...even if it is just checking out pictures.  We hope you do enjoy what you hear / read.  If you have questions, feel free to leave them in the comments.  I actually really enjoy writing all this out and if there is something you are curious about I will either respond to the comment in the comment section or perhaps address it in an individual post (like the names).

Thank-you so much for your love and care....we can't wait to show our boys some day how many people were interested in their little lives!!

God Bless!!

J & A


Unknown said...

Thank you Autumn and Jeff for sharing YOUR lives and pictures of those precious little boys with us! You ALL continue to be in our prayers - and will remain there! We love all five of you!

Cheri said...

Hi Jeff & Autumn
Jeff, you do a great job writing about the boys and your pride just shines through not only for them but for Autumn.

I love hearing nicknames for grandmas, I am "Nana". The youngest was about 5 before I could explain to her that I WAS her grandma, just called Nana, lol. Hadn't counted on that one.

Still waiting to hear what color the boys hair is for each of them. One looks darker than the others, but may be wet. Who do each of the boys look like most, you, Autumn or both of you? Probably too many questions, but you asked :)