"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, January 8, 2010

Gideon's Big Day...and other exciting adventures!!

It is hard to believe these little guys were born a week ago.  For all you parents out there who told us time would fly....well....you told us so.  I always thought time in the Army moved quickly...this has been lightning fast.  It has been an amazing week for Autumn and I, and we feel so blessed to have these little boys in our lives.  We are even more thankful because they are doing so well...and today was no exception to previous progress.

Gideon was the big mover today.  He is no longer on any respiratory assistance and he is doing great on his own.  He also had his IV removed this evening which means no more needles for him!!  Even more amazing was his progress with feeding.  He took his entire afternoon feeding with the bottle which is more than either of the other two have done.  Hopefully this is a sign of great leaps for Gideon as he is catching up to his brothers.

Speaking of those two...since Caleb and Ezra are out of the isolettes (aka incubators) they are able to be co-bedded.  This means that they are reunited in the same crib!!  They are up to 40cc of formula/breast milk per feeding (Gideon is at 37cc).  It was cute watching them when they put Ezra into the crib with Caleb.  Obviously they aren't totally aware of what is going on...but it seemed like they were at least aware of each other's presence.  The good news is that Gideon will hopefully join them tomorrow and all three of our little muskateers will be reunited!!

All three of them got some good Mommy / Daddy time today.  Autumn is getting this changing diapers thing down and we are both getting better at holding little bodies and trying to get them to feed from a bottle.  It is so wonderful watching them do the most basic things...I see how parents can be so "overwhelmed" by basic baby tasks.  Evening opening their eyes earns our boys praises.  In fact...anything that shows they are awake = plenty of cooing and ahhing.

Here are some pictures from today's festivities....and then some 1 week statistics below that...

Ezra (left) and Caleb (right) getting reaquainted

Gideon without the nasal cannulars

Daddy with Caleb and Mommy with Ezra

Caleb:  4lb 3oz, 40cc per feed
Gideon: 4lb 11oz, 37cc per feed
Ezra: 4lb 4oz, 40cc per feed
**ALL**  No IVs, breathing without assistance, out of the isolates and into cribs, and according to all the nurses, very cute!!

Thanks for dropping by!

God Bless...

J & A


Jeanann said...

That is so great to hear. I am so happy that they are doing so great. Hopefully you'll get to bring them home really soon.

Jeff and Autumn Kaldahl said...

We will see. As long as things continue to go how they have been...their biggest hurdle will be feeding enough / consistently with a bottle. It wears them out pretty good :-)

Gail K said...

Jeff, thanks so much for including us in your lives! You know...babies are more aware than people think. I remember Kris knew every time my food arrived...he became hungry when my food was hot. :-) I'm praying all three get to go home with you when you leave Fischer house. :-)