"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Momma....Mamma I'm coming hhommme!!

As you might guess from the subject, our little boys are coming home...together!! We are so grateful to God for allowing us the chance to simply be parents to these little guys...even if they will keep us awake at night!

So tomorrow, Sunday, we are bringing them home - Lord willing. The only reason that would change is if there are complications tonight. But as a whole, the boys are doing very well...and if I do say so...so are the parents. In particular...Autumn is getting this Mommy thing down. I had to head to the house this AM to start taking our plethora of things home so she had to do her first care time for all three of them. She was done in under an hour!! That means she is getting efficient, and the boys are eating fast. Good trends for all!!

Right now, Caleb and Gideon are undergoing their Car Seat test. They are hooked back up to the monitors and then placed into their car seats for an hour for monitoring. They want to make sure they can still breathe and maintain their vital signs while in the car seat. Just another wonderful, common sense thing the NICU does that just helps us feel better taking the boys home!!

So tonight will be our first night with all of them in our room. If you saw any of my Tweets / Updates on Facebook you noticed I got no sleep. I am a very, very light sleeper (Tim the Cat meowing wakes me up at night). So a little baby...or babies...making their little "gurgle" noises throughout the night is tough. Hopefully being more tired tonight...having better pillows...and my "White Noise" iTouch App will help things a bit. No big deal. If I can't sleep...I'll just work on my paper that is due Monday at 0800!!

Ezra's last night in the NICU

Gideon's last night in the NICU

Ezra and Gideon sleeping together
(Caleb was in Mommy and Daddy's Room)

Caleb and Mommy's first night together "Rooming In"

Caleb with Mommy

So...hopefully tomorrow or Monday I may have a chance to talk about the homecoming!!  We are so very excited and look forward to having all of our family under our own roof!!

Thanks for all your prayers!!

God Bless!

J & A


Cheri said...

What precious babies you both have! I would love to hold them and rock them and just feel that baby soft skin!!

I, too, am a light sleeper and when mine were born it didn't take too long to figure out that they would do fine in their room - of course it was right across the hallway, so not very far, lol.

Babies ARE noisy at night, aren't they??

Jeanann said...

What wonderful news! We can't wait to hear how it works out. Hang in there and God Bless.
